NeoBook is a desktop app for managing contacts, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, it can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Apart from being your all-encompassing address book, NeoBook also has an Events function for you to keep track of your daily schedule.

Table Of Contents

Getting started

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest neobook.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your NeoBook.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar neobook.jar command to run the application.
    A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list : Lists all contacts.

    • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01 : Adds a contact named John Doe to the Address Book.

    • delete 3 : Deletes the 3rd contact shown in the current list.

    • edit 3 n/pierce : Edits the 3rd contact’s name on the current list to pierce

    • tab 2 : Navigates to the events tab

    • addevent d/Do Work! s/2023-04-10 1200 e/2023-04-10 1400 r/Daily : Adds an event with a description of “Do work!” on 2023-04-10 from 1200 to 1400 and will recur daily.

    • tab 1 : Navigates to the contacts tab

    • clear : Deletes all contacts.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  6. Refer to the NeoBook Features below for details of each command.

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How to read the User Guide

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with …​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. t/TAG…​ means that we can exclude the tag prefix completely or use it as t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Items in { } and have a …​ followed after them must be used at least once, and can be used multiple times.
    e.g. For editevent INDEX {PREFIX/PARAMETER}…​ will allow editevent 1 r/Weekly or editevent 2 d/Do work r/Daily, but not editevent 1.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter, which isn’t a FieldGroup, is expected only once in the command but you specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. Since Phone is just a normal field, if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.
    e.g. Since Modules is a FieldGroup, if you specify mt/CS1231S mt/CS2040S, all will be taken unlike the previous example.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

User Interface

UI Breakdown For Tabs

Use these tabs to toggle between the NeoBook, Events and your own information!


UI Breakdown For Address Book


  1. Current Displayed List
    • Show contacts based on command parameters
    • Contains the index you should use to refer to each contact
    • A : Contains favorite contacts for easy access
    • B : Contains all contacts
  2. Information Of Specific Contact
    • Displays all the saved information related to contact
    • Toggle between different contacts by clicking on them in the displayed list or using the select command
  3. Command Results:
    • Displays the result of input command
  4. Command Line:
    • Type command and press enter to execute it
    • Refer to the NeoBook Features below for possible commands to execute

UI Breakdown For Events


  1. Events Display
    • Displays all events you have saved and their respective details
  2. Command Results:
    • Displays the result of input command
  3. Command Line
    • Type a command and press enter to execute it
    • Refer to the Events Features below for possible commands to execute

UI Breakdown For Me


  1. Display
    • Contains your personal details

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Address Book Features


Listed below are all the commands one can do to interact with the address book tab. Try them out for yourself today!

Viewing Help : help

Don’t know how to get started? Don’t worry!

Simply use this command to get access to our help page!




Use this command when you need help!



  1. Links to the user guide you are reading right now!
  2. A list of all commands and their example usages.

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Adding A New Contact : add

Met a new friend?

Use this command to add him/her to your NeoBook.




Here are all the prefixes that can be used:

Prefix Name of Field Optional?
n Name No
e Email address Yes
p Phone Number Yes
a Address Yes
m Major Yes
mt Mods Taken Yes
f Faculty Yes
g Gender Yes
r Race Yes
t Tags Yes
c Preferred Communication Channel Yes
:bulb: Tip: A person can have any number of tags and modules taken (including 0). IMPT: If you want to add multiple tags or modules in one statement, every tag or module has to have its corresponding prefix. Only modules that are a part of NUS’ mod systems will be allowed. This is to prevent any messiness and also allows for future syncing with NUSMods.

Example Usages

  • add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01
  • add n/Betsy Crowe t/friend e/ mt/CS2030s mt/CS2103T

Extra Notes

  • If said contact identifies himself as a gender that is two words or is hyphenated like “non-binary”, you can save his Gender as nonbinary.

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Listing All Contacts : list

Want to see all your contacts?

Use this command to gain access to all of them!



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Favourite A Contact : fav

Contact someone very frequently?

Use this command to favourite it so that you have easy access to it!




INDEX refers to the index of the contact you wish to favourite in the current displayed list.

Important Requirements

INDEX must be a positive integer (must be greater than 0).

Example Image

Here’s how NeoBook would look like after you favourite a contact! Fav

  1. The contact will appear in the Favourites section.
  2. A :star: will appear next to the index in the detail panel.

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Unfavourite A Contact : unfav

No longer contact someone as frequently as you used to?

Use this command to unfavourite it!


unfav INDEX


INDEX refers to the index of the contact you wish to unfavorite in the current displayed list.

Important Requirements

INDEX must be a positive integer and (must be greater than 0).

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Editing a contact’s details : edit

Learnt something new about your friend? Or perhaps he/she changed a particular detail?

Use this command to edit his/her details easily!




INDEX refers to the index of the contact you wish to edit in the current displayed list.

For the following fields, they are considered a FieldGroup.

  • Modules
  • Tags

A FieldGroup can contain many parameters in that single field. When using edit, the command looks for each parameter in the FieldGroup:

  • If the parameter already exists in the FieldGroup it will be removed.
  • Otherwise, the parameter will be added into the FieldGroup.

Important requirements

INDEX must be a positive integer (must be greater than 0).

All the fields are optional. However, at least one field must be provided.

Examples Usages

The first contact has CS2103T, MA2001 and GEA1000 as its modules.

  • edit 1 mt/CS2103T removes CS2103T from the Modules field since it is already a part of its Modules field.
  • So the first contact in your Neobook will have MA2001 and GEA1000 as its only modules

The second contact has the following tags Friend, Amazing Coder

  • edit 2 t/10x Coder t/Intern Friend adds both 10x Coder and Intern Friend as tags to the contact as neither existed in its Tags field.
  • So the second contact in your NeoBook would have Friend, Amazing Coder, 10x Coder and Intern Friend in its Tags field.
Prefix Name of Field Optional?
n Name Yes
e Email address Yes
p Phone Number Yes
a Address Yes
m Major Yes
mt Mods Taken Yes
f Faculty Yes
g Gender Yes
r Race Yes
t Tags Yes
c Preferred Communication Channel Yes

Example Usages:

  • edit 1 p/91234567 e/ Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st person to be 91234567 and respectively.
  • edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/Marine Edits the name of the 2nd person to be Betsy Crower and adds the tag Marine if it does not yet exist. If the tag Marine already exists on the contact, then it will be removed.

Extra Notes

  • If said contact identifies himself as a gender that is two words or is hyphenated like “non-binary”, you can save his Gender as nonbinary.

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Finding Particular Contacts : find

Want to narrow down your displayed contacts to a certain few?

Use this command to find contacts by specifying the fields and corresponding keywords you wish to search!




:bulb: Tip: KEYWORD can contain more than 1 word. E.g find n/Peter James
Prefix Name of Field Optional?
n Name Yes
e Email address Yes
p Phone Number Yes
a Address Yes
m Major Yes
mt Mods Taken Yes
f Faculty Yes
g Gender Yes
r Race Yes
t Tags Yes
c Preferred Communication Channel Yes

Above are all the prefixes you can use to find a Contact according to their fields.

Important Requirements

  1. At least 1 field and corresponding keyword must be specified.
    • i.e find PREFIX/KEYWORD
  2. The keywords are case-insensitive.
    • i.e. find n/Abigail can return people with names of ‘Abigail’, ‘aBiGail’, ‘abigail’, ‘ABIGAIL’.
  3. If multiple same prefixes are specified, as long as one of the keyword is contained in the corresponding field, the person will be returned.
    • i.e. find n/John n/Peter James
      • Keywords: john, peter james
        • Can return:
          • People with names of ‘John’, ‘Peter James’, ‘Peter James John’
        • Cannot return:
          • A person with name of ‘Peter’
  4. All unique prefixes specified must be contained within the corresponding fields of the person for that person to be returned.
    • i.e. find n/Caleb p/9123
      • Can return:
        • A person with a name of ‘Caleb’ who has a phone number of ‘91234567’
      • Cannot return:
        • A person whose name is ‘Caleb’ but has a phone number of ‘98765432’
        • A person whose name is ‘Joshua’ even though his phone number is ‘91234567’
  5. At least one field must be provided.

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Select contact to expand details : select

Want to see more details about a certain contact in your list?

Use this command to expand and view more information about the selected contact.


select INDEX


  • INDEX refers to the index of the contact you wish to view more information on.

Important requirements

  • INDEX must be a positive integer (must be greater than 0).

Example Usages

  • select 1 expands the details of the first contact in your list.
  • select 4 expands the details of the fourth contact in your list.

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Deleting A Contact : delete

No longer interact with someone in your contacts?

Use this command to delete the specified contact from your NeoBook.


delete INDEX


INDEX refers to the index of the contact you wish to delete in the current displayed list.

Important Requirements

INDEX must be a positive integer and (must be greater than 0).

Example Usages

  • list followed by delete 2 deletes the 2nd person in the displayed list.
  • find Betsy followed by delete 1 deletes the 1st person in the results of the find command.

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Clearing all contacts : clear

Want to start from a clean slate?

Simply use this command to clear all contacts from your NeoBook.



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Exiting NeoBook : exit

Finished what you needed to do?

Use this command to exit the application!



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Address Book Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g., add n/James Ho p/22224444 e/ a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t/friend t/colleague
Clear clear
Delete delete INDEX
e.g., delete 3
e.g.,edit 2 n/James Lee e/
Fav fav INDEX
e.g., fav 2
Unfav unfav INDEX
e.g., unfav 2
Find find {PREFIX/KEYWORD}…​
e.g., find n/James Jake mt/CS2103T a/Serangon Central
Select select INDEX
e.g., select 2
List list
Help help
Exit exit

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Events Features

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

Events have 4 components to them

  • Description
  • StartDateTime
  • EndDateTime
  • Recurrence

Events will automatically update to their next earliest occurrence for recurring events.

One-time events will be automatically grayed out once the event has been passed.

In the case where a one-time event is supposed to be greyed out (i.e. the current time is 2359 and the event is set to end at 2358 on the same day), then inputting any command will update the event to grey.

Adding an Event : addevent

Want to keep track of current events?

Use this command to add events into your Event Section of your NeoBook.




Prefix Name of Field Optional?
d Description of Event No
s Start Date and Time of Event No
e End Date and Time of Event No
r Recurrence Interval Yes

You can add 2 types of Events:

  1. One Time Events
  2. Recurring Events (of various Intervals):
    • Daily Events
    • Weekly Events
    • Monthly Events
    • Yearly Events

You can specify the Recurrence Intervals within the Command as well!

Accepted Intervals:

  1. None
  2. Daily
  3. Weekly
  4. Monthly
  5. Yearly

Important requirements

  1. START DATE & START TIME and END DATE & END TIME must follow this formatting YYYY-MM-DD HHMM.
    • START TIME and END TIME follows the 24-Hour Clock format e.g. instead of 6:00pm, you must enter 1800.
    • START DATE & START TIME must be before END DATE & END TIME
    • If the year is not a Leap Year, inputting 29-02-YYYY will get bumped down to 28-02-YYYY for both START DATE and END DATE
    • If the month has only 30 days, inputting 31-MM-YYYY will get bumped down to 30-MM-YYYY for both START DATE and END DATE
    • 2400 is also accepted as an input for START TIME and END TIME, this will roll the date input by the user to the next day e.g. Inputting 2023-03-10 2400 will be accepted and will be rolled over to 2023-03-11 0000 instead.
  2. INTERVAL OF RECURRENCE doesn’t need to be specified to add an event
    • If unspecified, Event will be automatically added as a One Time Event.

Extra Notes

  • If the year is not a Leap Year, inputting 29-02-YYYY will get bumped down to 28-02-YYYY for both START DATE and END DATE
  • If the month has only 30 days, inputting 31-MM-YYYY will get bumped down to 30-MM-YYYY for both START DATE and END DATE
  • 2400 is also accepted as an input for START TIME and END TIME, this will roll the date input by the user to the next day e.g. Inputting 2023-03-10 2400 will be accepted and will be rolled over to 2023-03-11 0000 instead.

Example Usages

  • addevent d/CS2103T Lecture s/2023-03-30 1600 e/2023-03-30 1800 r/weekly will add a Weekly Recurring Event of CS2103T Lecture that occurs from 1600 to 1800, starting on 2023-03-30.
  • addevent d/Catchup with John s/2023-03-30 1600 e/2023-03-30 1800 r/None will add a One Time Event of Catchup with John that occurs from 1600 to 1800, on 2023-03-30.
  • addevent d/Dinner with Family s/2023-03-30 1600 e/2023-03-30 1800 will add a One Time Event of Dinner with Family that occurs from 1600 to 1800, on 2023-03-30.

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Deleting An Event : delevent

You no longer need to track this particular event?

Use this command to delete the specified event from your NeoBook.


delevent INDEX


INDEX refers to the index of the Event you wish to delete in the current displayed Events List.

Important requirements

INDEX must be a positive integer (must be greater than 0).

Example Usage

  • delevent 2 deletes the event tagged to Index 2 in your NeoBook’s Event List.

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Editing An Event : editevent

Want to change the details of a particular event?

Use this command to edit the specified event in your NeoBook.




INDEX refers to the index of the event you wish to edit in the current displayed list.

Prefix Name of Field Optional?
d Description of Event Yes
s Start Date and Time of Event Yes
e End Date and Time of Event Yes
r Recurrence Interval Yes

Important requirements

  1. INDEX must be a positive integer (must be greater than 0).
  2. At least one field must be provided.

Extra Notes

  • If the year is not a Leap Year, inputting 29-02-YYYY will get bumped down to 28-02-YYYY for both START DATE and END DATE
  • If the month has only 30 days, inputting 31-MM-YYYY will get bumped down to 30-MM-YYYY for both START DATE and END DATE
  • 2400 is also accepted as an input for START TIME and END TIME, this will roll the date input by the user to the next day e.g. Inputting 2023-03-10 2400 will be accepted and will be rolled over to 2023-03-11 0000 instead.

Example Usages

  • editevent 1 d/read book r/weekly Edits the description and recurrence of the 1st event to be read book and weekly respectively.
  • editevent 2 s/2023-01-01 1800 e/2023-01-02 2000 Edits the start date and end date of the 1st and 2nd event to be 20203-01-01 1800 and 2023-01-02 2000 respectively.

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Tagging Contacts to an Event : tagpersonevent

Want to remember who was a part of a certain event?

Tag their contacts to the event using this command!


tagpersonevent et/EVENT INDEX pt/NAME


The EVENT INDEX is the index of the event you want to tag the person to.

NAME is the name of the person you want to tag to the event.

Important requirements

  1. NAME is case_sensitive.
  2. NAME must be the name of a contact already registered in NeoBook.

Example Usages

  • Suppose you have an Event at INDEX 3 with DESCRIPTION: Hackathon Meeting, START DATE & TIME: 2023-05-04 1400, END DATE & TIME: 2023-05-04 1600, RECURRENCE INTERVAL: WEEKLY


tagpersonevent et/4 pt/Baljeet FF Tags Baljeet FF to this Weekly Hackathon Meeting.


For more advanced users

  • Be careful when directly editing the tagged contacts in userdata.json. It may cause the person to become unlinked from the event completely.

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Untagging Contacts from an Event : untagpersonevent

Want to remove somebody who was a part of a certain event?

Untag their contacts from the event using this command!


untagpersonevent et/EVENT INDEX pt/NAME


The EVENT INDEX is the index of the event you want to tag the person to.

NAME is the name of the person you want to untag from the event.

Important requirements

  1. NAME is case_sensitive.
  2. NAME must be the name of a contact already registered in NeoBook and tagged to that event.


  • Suppose you have an Event at INDEX 3 with DESCRIPTION: Hackathon Meeting, START DATE & TIME: 2023-05-04 1400, END DATE & TIME: 2023-05-04 1600, RECURRENCE INTERVAL: WEEKLY and Baljeet FF tagged to this Event.


untagpersonevent et/4 pt/Baljeet FF untags Baljeet FF from this Weekly Hackathon Meeting.


For more advanced users

  • Be careful when directly editing the tagged contacts in userdata.json. It may cause the person to become unlinked from the event completely.

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Events Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
e.g., addevent d/CS2103T Lecture s/2023-03-30 1600 e/2023-03-30 1800 r/weekly
Delete Event delevent INDEX
e,g., delevent 1
Edit Event editevent INDEX {PREFIX/PARAMETER}…​
e.g.,editevent 1 d/read book e/weekly
Tag Contact to Event tagpersonevent et/EVENT_INDEX pt/NAME
e.g., tagpersonevent et/1 pt/John
Untag Contact to Event untagpersonevent et/EVENT_INDEX pt/NAME
e.g.,untagpersonevent et/1 pt/John

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User Features


The user features are reflected under the ‘Me’ tab (tab 3).

Here, you can edit personal information about yourself, the user, which can be used in future features to streamline contact exchanging.

Editing the details of the user : edituser

Want to change one of your own details, perhaps something was out of date?

Use this command to edit your details easily!




For the following fields, they are considered a FieldGroup.

  • Modules
  • Tags

A FieldGroup can contain many parameters in that single field. When using edit, the command looks for each parameter in the FieldGroup:

  • If the parameter already exists in the FieldGroup it will be removed.
  • Otherwise, the parameter will be added into the FieldGroup.
    • e.g. edituser mt/CS2103T removes CS2103T from the Modules field of a contact if it already exists and adds it if it does not.
    • e.g. edituser t/10x Coder t/Intern Friend
      • For a contact with none of the above tags, both 10x Coder and Intern Friend will be added as tags
      • For a contact which has 10x Coder as a tag, he will have the 10x Coder removed and Intern Friend added as a tag.
Prefix Name of Field Optional?
n Name Yes
e Email address Yes
p Phone Number Yes
a Address Yes
m Major Yes
mt Mods Taken Yes
f Faculty Yes
g Gender Yes
r Race Yes
t Tags Yes
c Preferred Communication Channel Yes

Important requirements

  • At least one field must be provided.

Example Usages

  • edituser p/91234567 e/ Edits the user’s phone number and email address to be 91234567 and respectively.
  • edituser n/Betsy Crower t/Marine Edits the user’s name to be Betsy Crower and add the tag Marine if it has not already been tagged to the user. If it has already been tagged, then it will instead remove the tag.

Extra Notes

  • Tags are not shown for the user because it is not relevant. However, you can still see them in the command results.

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User Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
EditUser edituser {PREFIX/PARAMETERS}…​
e.g.,edituser n/James Lee e/

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UI Features

Switching between tabs : tab

UI tabs

Looking for a faster way to switch between NeoBook and the Events?

Use this command to navigate to the specified tab.




  • INDEX refers to the index of the tab to navigate to, shown before the name in the tab.

Important requirements

  • INDEX must be 1, 2, or 3.
  • tab refers to the literal word to be typed into the command line, not the key on your keyboard.

Example Usage

  • tab 1 switches to the Address Book tab.
  • tab 2 switches to the Events tab.

Light Mode : light

Want to use a brighter version of our UI?

Use Light mode!



Dark Mode : dark

Want to use a darker version of our UI?

Use Dark mode!



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UI Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
tab tab INDEX
light light
dark dark

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Saving the data

NeoBook data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need for you to save manually.

Editing the data file

NeoBook data are saved as JSON files. Two of which will be of interest to you:

  • [JAR file location]/data/addressbook.json.
  • [JAR file location]/data/userdata.json.

You are welcome to update the data directly by editing that data file. However, be careful when directly editing the tagged contacts in userdata.json. It may cause the person to become unlinked from the event completely.

:exclamation: Caution: If you edit the taggedPerson in User data, beware that you may end up unlinking the person from any changes to the original contact in NeoBook
:exclamation: Caution: If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, NeoBook will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.

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Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous NeoBook home folder.

Q: My NeoBook doesn’t seem to be showing up on my screen upon load. What should I do?
A: If everything is working fine (i.e. no crashes are happening and the app starts up properly), then a likely cause is that you were using a second screen. NeoBook automatically saves its last position in your screen and starts up in that same position. If you were using NeoBook on a second screen and aren’t using a second screen now, the problem is likely due to you closing NeoBook at a position on the second screen. This will lead to NeoBook opening at the same position as before, but off your screen where you can’t interact with it. To remedy this, go to the preferences.json file in NeoBook and change windowCoordinates to something that is within your first screen. (Typically x:50 and y:50 works fine).

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Future Plans

  1. Making the following fields accept multiple parameters instead of just one.
    1. Since the groundwork was completed in the Tags and Modules fields, we considered it trivial to implement the rest of these fields to accept multiple parameters.
      • Phone
      • Address
      • Email
      • Race
      • Communication Channels
      • Major
      • Faculty
  2. Adding better input validation to Phone, Email and Address fields, such as minimum lengths or certain formats.

  3. Adding duplicate names support, which is available in most contact lists.

  4. Making the user’s events be able to import other contact’s events.
    1. Since the User is a form of Contact, it is once again trivial to extend the same functionality to other contacts
  5. Making NeoBook accept more symbols and emojis.
    1. Currently, the validation regex for all the fields for contacts do not accept special symbols (and also do not render them properly). In the future, we will attempt to add-in support for this.
  6. Switching to the relevant tab when a command is executed.
    1. Using commands for contacts in the events tab and vice versa may not show any visible changes, causing confusion in whether the user did anything.
    2. Certain commands should bring the user to the relevant tab, if they are not currently in said tab (e.g. list should navigate to the contacts tab).
  7. Enhancing the select command to accept parameters beyond just the index of the contact.
    1. User cannot see the indices of contacts further down the list, and needs to scroll.
    2. The select command can integrate find functionality.
  8. Splitting the description field of events into title and description fields, so as not to clutter the UI with long descriptions.

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